
On August 23, 2000, I, Bernard Smith, experienced a profound loss with the passing of my son, Arnold Smith-Williams, just two months after his 19th birthday. Arnold, a vibrant young man with boundless potential, was taken too soon. His memory drives my unwavering commitment to addressing gun violence and supporting those affected by it. Through this journey, I aim to honor Arnold’s legacy by fostering change and promoting peace. His spirit continues to inspire me as I work towards a future where such tragedies are a thing of the past.
🌈 A Vision Unveiled:  STVBX169.Org envisions a landscape where the youth rise above the challenges, not just as survivors but as architects of their destinies.
🚫 Against the Odds:  STVBX169.Org recognizes that the youth must be equipped with tools stronger than despair.

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